Shri Ram Centennial School, Indore is dedicated to the all round development of the students and is always making constant effort in that direction. Moving a step further in the direction, we were fortunate that we had already initiated the British Council Program and is already bestowed with the prestigious ISA Awards.
International School Award (ISA) by the British Council is a benchmarking system that accredits schools having an outstanding level of support for nurturing global citizenship in young people and enriching teaching and learning. It encourages schools to collaborate with overseas schools to create a great learning experience for students through various pedagogical practices. It offers the International School Award (ISA) as an accreditation framework for schools to record and evaluate their international work and embed it into the curriculum and school ethos. As part of the ISA action plan, the school planned and will execute seven different projects for students of different age groups which are titled as-Urban Renewal, Women Empowerment- the power to create, nurture and to transform, Folk Tales- a Kaleidoscope of culture, Adore the voiceless, Traditional Flavours of India and Around the Globe, Torch bearers of Humanity and Caves to Café.
In the academic session 2019-20, SRCS Indore, India once again initiated the process to instill a global dimension into the learning experience and registered for the re-accreditation of British Council International School Award (ISA). Different activities were planned under the aegis of the ISA Award 2019-20 and they were - Urban Renewal, Women Empowerment- the power to create, nurture and to transform, Folk Tales-a Kaleidoscope of Culture, Adore the voiceless, Traditional Flavours of India and Around the Globe, Torch Bearers of Humanity and Caves to Café. Under these activities students will get opportunity to explore India and its partner countries Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, USA, UK, UAE, Thailand, Singapore, China etc.
2020 - 2023
The field of environment education is dogged by a very fundamental contradiction. While everyone, everywhere, asserts the importance of ‘learning to live sustainably’, the environment remains a peripheral issue in the society SRCS, Indore has taken a proactive initiative to protect the environment and to mitigate the problems by the Green School programme started by CSE, popularly known as Centre for Science and Environment and Al Gore's Climate Reality Project.
It is a constant endeavour in the school to ensure holistic development of learners along with development of 21st century skills. Right from schools’ inception years Green School Policy was in place under the guidance of Visionary Heads. Celebration of birthdays by gifting saplings, ban of polythene bags, chocolates, chips and any form of packaging material are some key rules engraved deeply in the minds of all stake holders.
CSE’s Green Schools Programme is an environmental education programme directed to subtly sensitize students to the environment through hands-on and thought-provoking activities. GSP inculcates the values of resource management, empowers students to use natural resources in a responsible and efficient manner and practice effective and sustainable methods that will become a way of life.
The School has been running its Green Programme under the five sustainability parameters- Air, Water, Waste, Land, Energy and Food.. As per the Green School Developmental Plan of SRCS, Indore the target is to reduce 10-15 % of carbon footprint every year.
A well-crafted mitigation plan was implemented which included plethora of activities like, E-waste collection drives, recycling of food waste, mulching, drip irrigation, herbal garden, carpool rally, flash mobs to stop food waste, installation of air monitoring device, plantation drive, hands on sustainability games, conserving biodiversity, clean river campaign, Bio mimicry, etc.-. Well defined waste management plan along with installation of solar panels, water recycling unit and rain harvesting system further strongly helped to mitigate and thereby decrease carbon footprint.