Online class is a new concept for all of us during this tough time of COVID. Interaction of students and teachers has been evolved over the continuous efforts put forward by the teachers and students during the online classes. Punctuality is also maintained as per the timings of the classes. Thank you for all the efforts taken by team SRCS. Keep on evolving and exploring new ways, so that student's learning and grooming will not stop.
Thank you for everything..
Sunayana Jaiswal mother of Suryen Jaiswal
Class KG - I

We are really thankful to Shri Ram School and its management for handling our child’s studies in a good way during this pandemic. You have done a good job by taking online classes.With this our children were introduced a new way of learning which we have never seen before. It is a big change and very useful for our children for further study in future. Once again we want to thank Principal Ma’am and other teaching staff for their efforts to keep supporting us.
Mrs. Manish Buchade mother of Mahalsa Buchde
Class KG-I

In this time of pandemics online learning was the safest and best way to make education available for kids. I am very happy with the decision of taking online classes for all the kids. In the process of online learning since last 8 months I have seen my kids became more responsible for all their work and assignments. This was the major change I have observed.
I would like to thank the entire team of SRCS for such a great support and helping students in coping this difficult time.
Thank you
Hetal Gupta mother of Dhvani Gupta, Class V
and Kaanvi Gupta, Class KG-II
Dr. Abhishek Tiwari & Aarti Tiwari parents of Avika Tiwari
Class V
International School Awrad (ISA) Project के अंतर्गत किए गए नुक्कड़ नाटक से बच्चों और हमने जाना कि देश में महिलाओं का सम्मान होना चाहिए और उन्हें उनके अधिकार मिलना चाहिए | महिलाओं को आज भी अशक्त मानकर उनके विकास की ओर ध्यान ही नहीं दिया जाता है | अतः उन्हें जागरूक करने हेतु ऐसे आयोजन होना आवश्यक है |
नाटक के माध्यम से हममें महिलाओं के प्रति सम्मान की भावना उत्पन्न हुई | देश की प्रगति और विकास में उनका भी योगदान आवश्यक है | अतः उन्हें उनके अधिकारों व सम्मान से वंचित नहीं रखा जाए |
आज भी देश के अंचल में महिलाओं को सिर्फ़ पारिवारिक जिम्मेदारियाँ देकर चार दीवारी में क़ैद रखा जाता है | अतः उन स्थानों पर जागरूकता बढ़ाने की बहुत आवश्यकता है |
राजेन्द्रसिंह राठौर Father of कुलदीपसिंह राठौर
Class VII
International School Awrad (ISA) Project के अंतर्गत प्रस्तुत किए गए महिला सशक्तिकरण पर आधारित नुक्कड़ नाटक को देखकर छात्रों के साथ-साथ हमने यह सीखा कि हमें नारी को लाचार और बेबस समझकर प्रताड़ित नहीं करना चाहिए बल्कि उसका उचित सम्मान करना चाहिए | नारी भी समाज का अंग है और सम्मान की अधिकारी हैI
समाज व मुख्य रूप से ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में जागरूकता लाने के उद्देश्य से किए गए इस नुक्कड़ नाटक को देखने के पश्चात मुझ पर बहुत गहरा प्रभाव पड़ा | मैंने यह जाना कि नारी के अस्तित्त्व को नज़र अंदाज़ करके हम समाज का समुचित विकास नहीं कर सकते | परिवार, समाज व देश की उन्नति तभी संभव है जब नारी को समानता का अधिकार दिया जाएगा |
नारी जो जीवनदायिनी होने के साथ-साथ बालक में श्रेष्ठ गुणों व संस्कारों का संचार करके समाज, परिवार व देश के विकास व उत्थान में अहम् भूमिका निभाने वाली है, उसे उसके अधिकार व उचित सम्मान अवश्य ही मिलना चाहिए | ऐसा करना प्रत्येक मनुष्य का धर्म होना चाहिए |
सज्जनसिंह ठाकुर Father of अमनसिंह ठाकुर
Class VII

International School Awrad (ISA) has given a new concept to the learning. Students involved in ISA activities learnt public speaking. It has boosted confidence in them. Through their activities they were involved in stage shows as Folktale characters and rocked the ramp. They learned about various stories of collaborative countries and also learned moral values to be used in daily life.
K.K. Bhatia Grandfather of Birnav Bhatia

The activity ‘Urban Renewal’ in International School Awrad (ISA) was a great learning experience. As it had an international dimension attached with it. It helped students become global citizens. Students learned about the concept of smart city. They also learned to do research work on the topic and how inference can be drawn out from research. Above all, students learned how to work as a team.
Asha Sarda mother of Jahnvi Sarda
International School Awrad (ISA) has given a new vision to the students. Under Urban Renewal students have learnt the basic concept of the planning of the city that includes the following factors – Eco friendly, Economically viable, Optimum use of resources, Environmental friendly technology and Alternate sources of energy.
Himanshu Shrivastava father of Kushagra Shrivastava
Urban renewal theme under the International School Awrad (ISA) project has given a positive and educational impact on my child. He was able to learn about smart cities of India, Singapore and Dubai by participating in model making, field trips and creative writing. This gives an opportunity to the students to know about the technical advancement in smart cities of partner countries.
Vandana Bhargav mother of Saksham Bhargav
Visit to the zoo under the International School Awrad (ISA) project was a great learning excursion. Students not only enjoyed but learnt a lot about different species of animals and their living conditions. They became aware about food habits and characteristics of different animals which is helpful in survival. They also became more sensitive and aware about wildlife protection.
Kshama Shukla mother of Adhrit Shukla

Under International School Awrad (ISA) activity, my child was exposed to a number of activities like storytelling, mask making, scrap book making. The Skype session conducted with the partner countries really gave an international dimension to the teaching learning process.
Prateek Pathak father of Vihaan Pathak

I can’t express my happiness in words about the positive impact International School Awrad (ISA) activity had on children. After participating in various activities of ISA she became more curious and started searching for great leaders of the collaborating countries and also prepared charts on them. While doing this, she learnt many positive qualities like honesty, handwork and leadership
Jitendra Soni father of Soumya Soni
The hard work shown by the students during International School Awrad (ISA) has really to be appreciated. It made me familiar with various aspects of my own country. Visit of students to Chokhi Dhani made him aware of the cuisine and recipes of Rajasthan.
Ashwin Soni father of Shorya Soni
All the activities done under the International School Awrad (ISA) project were full of learning for my child as he learned many things through different activities like ppt making, documentary making, painting and skit.
Mrs. Krishna mother of Atharav Krishna

My child learned many things from International School Award (ISA) activity. Because of one of the projects my daughter came to know about various food items and culture of India and of its neighbouring countries. It gave international dimension to the learning process.
Sandeep Goyal father of Girishma Goyal

Under the International School Award (ISA) project ‘Caves to Café’ children are able to learn and understand about Human evolution which is the evolutionary process that led to the emergence of anatomically modern humans. Understanding evolution helps us to solve biological problems that impact our lives.
Jaishree Soni mother of Harshal Soni

Aahil’s learning is excellent. Thank you teachers of SRCS for putting tireless effort in our child everyday .
Mrs . Huma Ali and Mr. Syed Zulfiqar Ali parents of Syed Aahil Ali of Class Nursery